Public Announcement :

To All Prestonsburg Recycling Customers:
The City of Prestonsburg is very proud of the recycling program that is offered to the citizens of Prestonsburg and is very please with the number of residents that participate in the program.
It is very helpful if everyone uses the clear bags the the City provides. The items that we have always accepted are cardboard, aluminum cans (soda cans only, no food cans), newspaper and white paper goods, such as notebook and typing papers.
We also accept certain plastics, Those items include lightly rinsed BOTTLES ONLY, such as water bottles, soda bottles, milk jugs and detergent bottles. Please remove any lids, The labels do not need to be removed.
We ARE NOT accepting any type of glass.
Residential pick-up is every Wednesday.
These are the ONLY items that we are recycling. If you have any questions, you can call the Public Works Department at 886-3537.
Thank you for your help in keeping the recycling program successful in Prestonsburg!